
When to Replace Your Door Locks

There are a variety of reasons why it might be time to get replacement door locks in Toronto. As a properly locked door is oftentimes your first line of defence against any kind of unwanted threat, it’s important to ensure that you are proactive in your care of them, including when it’s time to replace them. While you may regard this step as a wasteful cost, it is much less significant than what it will cost you should your lock malfunction, resulting in theft. Here are five instances where it’s time to replace your door locks:

Worn-out Door Locks

As any home ages, so does its door locks. Any wear and tear your door locks suffer from can be a serious weakness in your home’s security. It’s easier to pick and break an old lock that is worn out. They can also be a lot more difficult to open with a key due to severe rust, tarnish, or other visible signs of wear—which can lead to getting locked out of your home, especially on cold nights. If this is the case, you might want to consider replacing your lock.


New Tenants/Roommate

If you rent out your property or a space within your home, it is a good cautionary step to replace the door locks every time an old tenant moves out. Doing so will ensure that even if they return their key to you, there is no chance they can still get in if they made a backup copy. You will also be given the peace of mind that in the event of a break-in it wasn’t them.



If you find yourself the victim of a robbery, you should definitely get replacement door locks in Toronto. If force was used on any external doors in order to gain entry, that kind of assault can compromise the integrity of your door’s security, which can put you at risk to another burglary. Additionally, someone might have access to your home’s key without you knowing, which is another reason why you should replace your door locks.


Missing or Stolen Keys

Every time your keys go missing or you suspect they have been stolen, get replacement locks in Toronto to maintain security. Start with your outdoor locks, which will give intruders direct access to your home, then move on to any indoor locks you may have. If you or someone you live with frequently loses their keys, it might be a good idea to install a combination door lock instead, which requires a code to gain entry.

Shop Winly Lock door locks, handlesets, lever sets, and hardware.

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